Civilisation 2.0

The development of Homo sapiens has reached a critical point. The footprint we leave behind is disproportionate to that which is ecologically acceptable. For example, the consumption of renewable raw materials has been far above the recovery rate for some time.

Humans have reached an unnatural population due to social systems and the eradication or containment of global epidemics (plague, etc.) and the further development of life-prolonging and life-sustaining measures. Maximum 3.5 - 4 billion people are economically and ecologically compatible. At present nearly 7.5 billion humans populate the earth, tendency strongly rising. Since existing resources such as fossil energy sources are not unlimited, overpopulation will lead to an accumulation of initially regional but later also international conflicts.


Many concepts to counteract this known development, however, had to fail in practice. To this end, we have developed both regional and global master plans that take into account ethnic cultural aspects of certain regions of the world as well as economic, ecological, geopolitical, and so on.


In addition, the CoD strongly advocates the exploration and colonization of space to create an alternative habitat and urbanize it, also to finally protect our species and all life native to Earth from a capital threat from within (man himself) or from without (such as asteroids).

The United States of Europe / The World
Globalisation - Der Bananenkreislauf
Form of government - Alternative to Democracy

„ Realität ist die subjektive Wahrnehmung objektiver Umstände. “

- GMS -

„ Jede Freiheit bedeutet die Aufgabe einer Anderen! “

- GMS -

„ Even the universe is not big enough that humans wouldn't make war against each other. “

- GMS -

„ Der Schrank des Lebens hat mehr als nur eine Schublade. “

- GMS -

„ Irren ist menschlicher als das Eingeständnis des Irrtums. “

- GMS -

„ Every time is the wrong and the right. “

- GMS -

„ Talent ist eine Form der Befähigung. Es ist weder erlern- noch kopierbar. "

- GMS -

„ Der Gedanke an ein Morgen ist allein durch den Fortschritt erträglich. "

- GMS -

„ There're million ways to make something wrong, but no reason to take one of them. "

- GMS -

„ Die Seele ist unsterblich, denn was nicht ist wird nie vergehen. "

- GMS -

„ Es kümmert nicht den Spieler, welches Spiel er spielt, solange er gewinnt. "

- GMS -