Social commitment does not need big words, but action. Moreover, a large number of social projects are subject to a disproportionately high share of administrative costs, whether for representative buildings or personnel.
Soziales Engagement braucht keine großen Worte, sondern Taten. Darüber hinaus unterliegen eine Vielzahl sozialer Projekte einem unverhältnismäßig hohen Anteil an Verwaltungskosten, sei es für representative Gebäude oder Personal.
A large number of charity events are also based more on image enhancement for the organizers than on a serious concern for the benefit of the weaker. The larger the donation, the easier it is on the conscience, and the greater the image gain.
In the conviction that humanity, solidarity & help do not only begin in Africa, since also in our country humans are in difficulties without fault, we created various projects, in order to create concrete remedy. In addition, all living beings, especially those that can not speak for themselves, require special protection (nature & animals).